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Fall 2022 Newsletter

Fall 2022 Newsletter

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‍FALL 2022

NVSC Conference 5 flyer

‍Dear Lien Doan Truong, Unit Leaders, and Parents,


You are cordially invited to the 5th National Vietnamese Scouting Conference for a weekend of fun, fellowship, planning, and sharing ideas and resources.


For those unfamiliar, the National Vietnamese Scouting Conference provides a collaborative space for individuals, whether you’re new to the program or experienced, in the Vietnamese Scouting community all over the country to come together and share their experiences, talents and resources to build a brighter future for the youth that we serve.


The conference will be held in Las Vegas, NV, from March 2 - March 5, 2023 Some of the topics that we will discuss are: 

  • Updates to BSA
  • Bridging the Gap
  • Encouraging and engaging younger leaders within our community


As we plan for future programs, initiatives and gatherings for the National Vietnamese Scouting Committee (NVSC), we want the input of as many parents, adult leaders, and young adult future leaders from our community to best represent the needs and concerns of Vietnamese Scouts around the country.


We would like representatives from as many Lien Doan as possible - there is strength in diversity of perspectives and experiences!


We hope you can take the time to attend, and if you would kindly inform any potential parents, adult leaders of the conference and extend the invite to them as well, that would be most appreciated!


Below is the conference registration link:


There will also be a Wood Badge Reunion and ALL past and present participants are invited to attend our Wood Badge Reunion on Saturday, March 4th from 4:00pm to 6:00pm


Below is the Wood Badge Reunion Registration form.


More information on the event will be posted soon, if you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to reach out.


We look forward to seeing you! Yours in Scouting,


Mallorie Dang
Conference Chair


‍Thân gửi, Liên Đoàn Trưởng, Trưởng Đơn Vị, và Phụ Huynh,


Chúng tôi thân mời các bạn đến với Chương Trình Hội Thảo Hướng Đạo Gốc Việt Toàn Quốc lần thứ năm, để cùng nhau kết chặt tình bạn hữu, chia sẻ những kinh nghiệm hướng đạo, cũng như tạo ra những chương trình bổ ích trong tương lai.


Để cho những người không am tường được biết rõ, chương trình Hội Thảo tạo ra cơ hội cho mọi người bất kể là mới hay có kinh nghiệm khắp nơi trên toàn quốc gặp nhau chia sẻ kinh nghiệm, sở trường, và tài năng để xây dựng một tương lai tươi sáng cho thế hệ trẻ.


Chương trình sẽ được tổ chức tại Las Vegas, NV, từ ngày 2 tới 5 tháng 3, 2023. Một số chủ đề mà chúng ta sẽ thảo luận là: 

  • Cập nhật chính sách của BSA
  • Nối nhịp cầu
  • Khuyến khích và lôi cuốn các bạn lãnh đạo trẻ trong cộng đồng của chúng ta


Để tạo ra chương trình có tính cách sáng tạo và kết hợp cho Ủy Ban Quốc Gia Hướng Đạo Gốc Việt trong tương lai, chúng tôi mong nhận được ý kiến đóng góp của các bạn trong cộng đồng Hướng Đạo tại Hoa Kỳ.


Chúng tôi mong muốn đại diện từ nhiều Liên đoàn tham gia - sự đa dạng của quan điểm và kinh nghiệm sẽ góp phần làm chương trình Hội Thảo thêm phong phú, linh hoạt!


Chúng tôi hy vọng bạn có thể dành thời gian tham dự và xin vui lòng phổ biến chương trình này rộng rãi đến các bậc cha mẹ, những người có tiềm năng sinh hoạt đoàn thể, để phong trào Hướng Đạo được phát triển mạnh mẽ hơn.


Xin ghi danh tham dự chương trình Hội Thảo tại:


Trong chương trình có phần Hội Ngộ Huy Hiệu Rừng. Chúng tôi mời TẤT CẢ những anh chị em đã và đang học khóa Huy Hiệu Rừng tham dự buổi Hội Ngộ Huy Hiệu Rừng vào Thứ Bảy, ngày 4 tháng 3 từ 4:00 đến 6:00 giờ chiều.


Phiếu ghi danh tham dự Hội Ngộ Huy Hiệu Rừng:


Các thông tin bổ túc về chương trình Hội Thảo cũng sẽ được cập nhật sau, nếu bạn có những thắc mắc hay bất kỳ câu hỏi nào, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi.


Rất mong được gặp lại các bạn trong chương trình Hội Thảo lần thứ 5. TABTT,


Mallorie Dang

Diều Hâu Kiên Trì

Conference Chair


TN X Header

‍Scouting’s Premier Leadership Training Program for Adults

The National Vietnamese Scouting Committee, BSA, is excited to invite Scouting Leaders to Tùng Nguyên X (the next Vietnamese-emphasis Wood Badge course)! This Wood Badge Training Course with an emphasis on Vietnamese culture and leadership is open for all leaders in Scouting and its family of programs: Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Exploring and Sea Scouting.

Emerging and established leaders will gain the following experiences:

• Leverage your strengths to lead from within and transform your leadership skills

 • Empower youth to grow and become more independent

 • Facilitate difficult conversations to maximize engagement with volunteers

 • Build stronger time and project management skills

 • Reduce burnout, become more adaptable and re-discover the fun in Scouting

 • Join a supportive network of international leaders


Come and join our highly qualified Trained Wood Badge Leaders to grow your leadership!

Emerging and established leaders are encouraged to register today: TINYURL.COM/TUNGNGUYEN10

‍Course # 999-23 Tùng Nguyên X 

Camp Tamarancho, California, USA

June 25 thru July 1, 2023

‍For more information, contact

Lam Nguyen, Course Director

(916)335-0357 or

Binh Tam I Jamboree


Trai Binh Tam – Vietnamese Scouting National Jamboree

July 3 – 9, 2022

National Vietnamese Scouting Committee, BSA

In 2019, the National Vietnamese Scouting Committee, Boy Scouts of America, organized a jamboree for the purpose of giving Vietnamese-American Scouting units an opportunity to camp together in Vietnamese cultural traditions within the BSA guidelines. 

Due to the COVID pandemic, the jamboree - Trai Binh Tam, was postponed to July 3-9, 2022. From the inception of Trai Binh Tam, the camp has been planned and executed by very young but very active leaders from all over the US, from facilitating their own camp programs to implementing them side by side with camp staff with the full offering of camp program such as shooting range, archery range, rope climbing, high cope, waterfront activities, and more. 

Trai Binh Tam consisted of 4 camps: Trai Khai Pha IV (Venturing Super Camp IV) with 136 scouts and 23 adult volunteers; Trai He Nganh Thieu II (Scouts BSA Summer Camp II) with 131 scouts and 30 adult volunteers; Trai Gang Suc (Cub Scouts Camp) with 18 scouts and 8 volunteers; Trai Phu Huynh (Parents Camp) with 76 parents and 7 staff.

For the 6 camp days of programs, the Scouts had a wonderful experience, and the camp staff are very pleased with the Scouts’ accomplishments. The Parents Camp had fun activities woven in with Scout crafts.  Besides friendly patrol competitions, the parents successfully executed a “night market” where all Scouts attended. We have heard after camp, many more parents are getting more involved with their children scouting unit.

We would like to shout out and a big THANK YOU to the Camp Chief, Alina Lee Santiago, who could not make it to camp as she was giving birth to a beautiful daughter, to Tu Nguyen, who assumed the camp chief role and saw the onsite operations, and to ALL volunteers who helped made this camp a huge success. Launching off from this successful camp, we are starting the planning process for Trai Binh Tam II, scheduled around the Fourth of July week of 2026, at which the scouts will have a chance to have more fun and make more friends.

At the upcoming 5th Vietnamese Scouting National Conference, BSA, in Las Vegas from March 2nd through 5th, 2023, we will solicit input and recommendations to enhance Trai Binh Tam II programs.  At the same time, there will be an opportunity for conference attendees to get involved with the planning and executing Trai Binh Tam II.

At our next Vietnamese-emphasis Wood Badge - Tung Nguyen X, which will be held June 25-July 1, 2023, in the heart of Marin County, California, we will also encourage the participants to help out Trai Binh Tam II along with other upcoming events for their ticket items.

The Committee is always looking for input from Scout leaders and parents so that we can implement useful and relevant programs for the Scouts.

Please follow the Committee's program updates, as well as commentary, through the Committee's website at

Trai he Binh Tam

‍Trai Binh Tam


On 3 July 2022, Trai Binh Tam (TBT) was held at the beautiful BSA Camp Whitsett in Sequoia National Forest after years of planning and delay. The area offers many outdoor activities, most notably white water rafting. Our Scouts and parents had access to fishing, aquatics, shooting sports, high COPE and rock climbing.  With the resources and staff provided by Camp Whitsett, the TBT volunteer staff simultaneously executed four fun-filled programs extending 7 days with a cohesive theme of Gods and Goddesses. The programs consisted of Trai Gang Suc (Cub Scouting), Trai He Nganh Thieu II (Scouts, BSA), Trai Khai Pha IV (Venturing), and Trai Phu Huynh for parents. TBT was full of new skills and new friends for all participants from 7 to 75 years of age, and from many states, including Virginia, Texas, Oregon, and California.


Trai Gang Suc offered a week-long camp full of adventure for the youngest of Scouters. Activities ranged from nature hikes to STEM development. The Scouts built self-propelled cars, catapults, and regatas. They participated in water relays and games. They prepared for battle creating their armor, and honing their skills in archery and BB gun shooting to successfully defeat the evil god Hades.


Trai He Nganh Thieu II offered Scouts 12 to 18 years of age the opportunity to earn merit badges and advance in rank. The camp offered required merit badges and also electives such as astronomy, mammal studies, basketry, and fishing. The patrols had the opportunity to test their Scouting skills against other troops in an epic end-of-the-week Big Game against the gods/staff.


Trai Khai Pha IV allowed older Scouts to experience high adventure outdoor activities. The Venturers were able to create new friendships in their mixed teams competition during outdoor events such as shotgun shooting, rifle shooting, ax throwing, mountain biking and COPE. The Venturers cooled themselves with white water rafting in the Kern river and various water activities in Camp Whitsett's lake. On their last night, the Venturers enjoyed the night with dancing and karaoke. The social event allowed the Scouts to develop connections and lifelong friends.


For many parents and adults not committed to the youth programs, Trai Phu Huynh allowed them to relax and enjoy the amenities of the camp. The program offered karaoke night, singing traditional Vietnamese songs. Their cooking contest exhibited the best outdoor culinary skills creating delightful dishes from the ingredients provided. The program also allowed parents and adults to test their outdoor skills in shotgun shooting, rifle, shooting, and archery.


For the nature lovers, morning excursions left camp at 5am to hike approximately 1,300 feet in elevation for 1.75 miles of climbing twists and turns of Sentinel Peak. At 6,143 feet in elevation, Scouts and leaders were perfectly positioned to watch the sunrise over the valley and campground, feeling the warmth of the radiating sun.


Camp staff and participants had the opportunity to learn more of the Vietnamese culture during TBT's Cho Dem on the second to last night. Trai Phu Huynh coordinated and hosted the event with traditional Vietnamese games, foods, desserts, and songs.  


TBT staff and organizers were proud to finally bring this adventure to life and share their love for Vietnamese Scouting with a total of 450 participants. It was a poignant, heartfelt closing ceremony.  Everyone was thankful for the memories created and new friendships gained, with hopes for the next opportunity to see our Scouting sisters and brothers again!

From "Bryan On Scouting"

‍Rules for Scout Unit Participation

at Political Rallies or Events

These Are the Rules for Scout Unit Participation at Political Rallies or Events

It is important to learn about or refresh your knowledge of the BSA’s official policy on Scout participation in political rallies.


2023 NVSC Events

Event Month Year
Vietnamese Scouting National Conference 5 March 2023
Tung Nguyen X June 2023

Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs


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