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Summer 2021 Newsletter

Summer 2021 Newsletter

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NVSC E-newsletter

‍SUMMER 2021

‍     Hui Nhat Ly, Chairman -

     Lam Xuan Nguyen, Vice Chairman -

     De Tan Nguyen, Advisor -

     Ron Coleman, National Executive Board, BSA 

     Wendy Kurten, Staff Advisor 

Dear Visitor, 
Leaders, Scouts' Parents and Friends

The National Vietnamese Scouting Committee welcomes you to this first Scouting program e-newsletter. 

The purpose of this newsletter is to provide up-to-date information of the Boy Scout of America (BSA) programs, as well as information about activities of the World Scout Organization related to the BSA and Vietnamese Scouting in the United States.

We look forward to receiving your comments and ideas that can help the newsletter reach the recipients to who would understand the program quickly and clearly.

Wishing you and your family health, peace and safe.

Yours in Scouting, 

Hui Ly    

‍Thân gửi Visitor, ‍

Quý Trưởng, Cha Mẹ các em HĐ và Thân Hữu


Ủy Ban Quốc Gia Hướng Đạo gốc Việt xin chào mừng quý vị đến với chương trình sinh hoạt hướng đạo qua bản tin điện tử đầu tiên này.

Mục đích của bản tin nhằm cung cấp những chương trình cập nhật của Hội Hướng Đạo Hoa Kỳ (BSA), cũng như những tin sinh hoạt của Tổ Chức Hướng Đạo Thế Giới liên quan đên BSA cũng như Hướng Đạo Gốc Việt tại Hoa Kỳ.

Chúng tôi rất mong đón nhận những ý kiến đóng góp, những sáng kiến có thể giúp bản tin đến với người nhận nhằm hiểu rõ chương trình một cách nhanh chóng và rỏ ràng.

Thân chúc quý Trưởng, quý phụ huynh và gia đình nhiều sức khỏe, mọi sự bình an.

Thân ái Bắt Tay Trái

Lý Nhật Hui

‍Welcome Wendy Kurten

Staff Advisor for National Vietnamese Scouting Committee (NVSC)

Wendy Kurten – Manager, Membership Growth & Relationships Director, BSA 

As the Manager, Membership Growth, Wendy works to align and deploy resources behind the BSA’s membership objectives. She provides leadership and guides efforts and activities in support of the BSA and councils’ long-term organization plans. Wendy also serves as the Relationships Director to oversee the BSA’s relationships with its national charter organizations. Prior to this position Wendy was the Assistant Regional Director for the Western Region, where she was responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing all regional operations. Before coming to the BSA’s National Service Center Wendy served in two local councils.

Wendy has her Bachelor of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in Youth Organizational Development from the University of Texas in Arlington. She began her career with the BSA in September 2000.

Wendy joined the Girl Scouts in 1983 as a first grader in Sweetwater, TX and remained an active member through twelfth grade when she received her Girl Scout Gold Award. As a Girl Scout she planned, organized, and carried out many activities and upon graduation from high school traveled to Europe to two and a half weeks; visiting two Girl Scout World Centers (Pax Lodge – London & Our Chalet – Switzerland). Wendy also served as a Girl Scout Daisy leader for two years in high school, volunteered with GSUSA in college and taught girls gymnastics for 5 years in high school and college.

Wendy is married to Shawn (former Asst. Scoutmaster) has a son (Garrett, 16) who is very close to earning his Eagle and had the great opportunity to complete their Brotherhood in the Order of the Arrow together.  She also serves as a den leader for her daughter Harper’s Bear den.

Lets welcome Wendy to our National Vietnamese Scouting Committee.

‍The 5th Vietnamese Scouting
National Conference, BSA


Thursday – Sunday March 3-6, 2022

Las Vegas Area Council BSA office

7220 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

WB Logo




The National Vietnamese Scouting Committee, BSA is pleased to announce that Tùng Nguyên X (the Vietnamese-emphasis Wood Badge course) has been planned for May 22-28, 2022. 



Lam Nguyen


Trai he Binh Tam

‍BSA Membership Fee Increase Details and Frequently Asked Questions

See these details, FAQ, and infographic for specifics on the BSA membership fee increase that will take effect later this year.  

NVSC Tentative Schedule

Event Month Year
Vietnamese Scouting National Conference 5 March 2022
Tung Nguyen 10 May 2022
Trai Binh Tam July 2022
     * Trai Gang Suc 1 - Trai Nganh Thieu 2
July 2022
     * Trai Khai Pha 4  - Trai Phu Huynh 1 July 2022
Trai Khai Pha 5 July 2023
Nganh Thieu Regional Summer Camp July 2023
25th World Scout Jamboree (Korea) August 2023
Vietnamese Scouting National Conference 6 March 2024
Tung Nguyen 11   2024
Nganh Thieu Regional Summer Camp July 2024
Binh Tam 2 July 2025

All participants in official Scouting activities should become familiar with the Guide to Safe Scouting. Download the Guide to Safe Scouting (August 2019)

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